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I’m endorsing Lorraine Ceniceros in her run for State Representative of the 65th District of Kansas. With her professional experience and community involvement, Lorraine is a quality candidate to represent the 65th District. We need a candidate who can make a real contribution to the legislature by having the ability to listen to those who don’t agree with her, ask the right questions, and find common ground to achieve meaningful results. Lorraine’s commitment to service, social justice, and financial stewardship demonstrates her readiness to advocate for the needs of our community. Lorraine is not just a leader who talks; she listens, learns, and leads with integrity, making her the ideal choice for the 65th District. I am confident that Lorraine will bring a fresh perspective and a dedication to building a more equitable and compassionate Kansas. — John Carlin
Former Governor

I am honored to endorse Lorraine Ceniceros. She cares about all people and has the background in her education and work to advocate for the people in the Junction City and Flint Hills area, both city and rural areas. We need people with a broad focus who are willing to listen to their constituents, support our schools and local businesses, and advocate for our military families and the mission of Ft. Riley. As a former House Representative and Senator for the Junction City community, I know this is best done in a bi-partisan way. Lorraine is exactly the person who can build relationships across the aisle and get things done. — Tom Hawk
Retired State Senator

Committee to Elect Lorraine Ceniceros
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